Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

Pupil Premium Information

From September 2012, schools have been required to publish online information about how they have used the Pupil Premium. This ensures that parents and others are made fully aware of the attainment of pupils covered by the Premium.

Pupil Premium Funding

What is the Pupil Premium?

The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England. It is designed to help disadvantaged pupils of all abilities perform better and close the gap between them and their peers. This budget includes pupils who are currently entitled to free school meals, have been entitled to free school meals in the past six years (FSM ‘Ever 6’), children who are cared for or adopted from care and children whose parents are in the armed forces.

Further Information


How are pupils identified?

In order to ensure that any children eligible for Pupil Premium are identified, the school will communicate regularly with parents/carers to request they apply for the additional funding as it is not something schools are able to do themselves.  The process of applying for this funding differs across boroughs and is regularly reviewed and adapted.  For the latest information on how to apply for the funding for Sutton residents, please follow the link below:

Further Information


How do we spend the funding?

As a school we are accountable for how we will use this additional funding. Schools are required to publish online information regarding how they have used the premium and the impact it has made.


What is our approach?

Our approach for many years has mirrored that recommended by the Education Endowment Fund (EEF) in that it promotes:

  • Quality first teaching strategies and best practice
  • Additional time and support to allow all children to achieve and succeed
  • Wider strategies to ensure non-academic factors are promoted to allow all children to participate, achieve and enjoy their education and all that school can offer

Further Information

At Avenue our approach is simple; we invest our time in getting to know our pupils, not just their academic ability and progress, but as a whole child. We work hard to fully understand what support a pupil may need to help them achieve in a specific area. When pupils first sign up they will receive a free school jumper.


Some examples of provisional arrangements are listed below, but this list is not exhaustive:

  • Provide ongoing staff training on the best approaches to raise standards and improve progress;
  • Provide individual and group support (academic support, learning support, social or emotional support);
  • Fund additional academic support for children eligible for the pupil premium;
  • Remove or reduce financial barriers enabling children eligible for the pupil premium to fully participate in school life and access wider experiences: through funding or subsidising school trips, join extra-curricular clubs, learn a musical instrument, have the correct uniform, technology for home learning and other resources
  • Employing a Family Support Worker (FSW) who will support many pupils and families, including those in receipt of Pupil Premium.

Previous years funding

2023 - 2024 £209,060.42
2022 - 2023 £179,247.31
2021 - 2022 £158,437
2020 - 2021 £152,605
2019 - 2020 £164,580
2018 - 2019 £143,880
2017 - 2018 £132,000
2016 - 2017 £114,000