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Avenue Primary Academy
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Avenue Primary Academy

Nurturing individuals, building futures

Information Posts

Have a wonderful summer!

Well done to all of our Reception children for completing their first year in school. They have all had an amazing year and it has been our pleasure to watch them learn, develop and grow throughout the year. Thank you to all parents for your support during the year, and for the kind words, cards and gifts that we have received this week.

We would like to wish you all a wonderful summer holiday and we look forward to welcoming the children back to start Year 1 on Monday 4th September.


Mrs Hilton and the Reception Team x

Reception Learning-17.7.23

Reception Learning- 10.7.23

Reception Sports Day- Monday 3rd July 8:45-9:45

A reminder that children need to wear their PE kit with either plimsolls or trainers to school on Monday 3rd July. Children will stay in their PE kit for the day. Please then send the PE kit back to school by Friday 7th July.


Please make sure your child has a sunhat and water bottle in school. Please apply sun cream before your child comes into school.



Best Attendance week ending 30.6.23

Well done to Rainbow Bug class who had the best attendance in Reception this week!

Reception Learning- 3.7.23

Reception Sports Day- Monday 3rd July

Reception Sports Day is on Monday 3rd July 8:45-9:45am.

This will take place on the main school field and parents are welcome to come to watch and support. Please enter via the Avenue Road gate at 8:45am.


Due to the early start time, please send your child to school in their PE kit on this day. We will send home PE kits on Friday 30th June. A reminder that school PE kit is a green t-shirt and navy blue shorts with black plimsolls. Children will be able to wear their PE kit for the whole school day.


Please apply sun cream to your child before they come to school and ensure they have a sun hat and water bottle with them on this day.

Best Attendance week ending 23.6.23

Well done to Incy Wincy Spider class who had the best attendance in Reception this week!



Reception Leaning- 26.6.23

Reception Learning- 19.6.23


Dear Parents/ Carers, 


I am writing to invite you and your child to the Year 6 Fiver Challenge. This is an exciting activity where each group of Year 6 children is given a £5 budget to create a product to sell.  



Wednesday 21st and Wednesday 28th June  


The School Field (Via Avenue Road Gate) 


Base: 2.45 – 3.00  

Main School: 3:00- 3:45 


Please collect your child and then walk to the field where you will be able to buy a range of products. Prices will range from £1 to £3 


All of the money raised goes towards the leavers' celebrations.  


Summer Fair Dance- 24th June

Reception will be doing a dinosaur themed dance at the Summer Fair on Saturday 24th June. Children can wear their own summer clothes. These can be dinosaur themed if you wish. Please make sure that children are wearing clothes that are comfortable and they can dance in.

Please drop children to the school office at 12:00pm ready to dance at 12:20pm. They will be dismissed back to parents as soon as the dance has finished.

Reception Farm Visit

This week we were lucky to have a visit from Mill Cottage Farm Experience. They set up a farm on our school field and each class had a session to visit the animals. The children were able to stroke and brush the pigs, sheep and goats and go for a walk with the farm dog. There were also turkeys, chickens, rabbits and guinea pigs alongside donkeys and alpacas.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the visit and have written some wonderful sentences about the experience.

Reception Learning- 12.6.23

Reception Learning- 6.6.23


Sun Safety 

Now that the warmer weather is here, we need to think about sun safety. 


Please provide your child with a named sun hat and ensure that they have a named plastic water bottle (with sports cap opening). 

If your child requires sun cream, please ensure they apply it before school. If you wish them to reapply sun cream before breaktimes, lunchtimes or outdoor PE, please provide them with a named bottle. Staff are not allowed to apply sun cream to children, so please ensure that your child can apply it themselves.  


Next week (22nd-26th May) we are taking part in Living Streets Walk to School Week. This fun and engaging week-long activity for primary schools has been built to make pupils experience first-hand the importance of walking to school. 

Through this challenge, children will be well on their way to reaching their recommended 60 minutes minimum of physical activity per day before even reaching the school gates!  

This year's challenge encourages children to travel actively to school every day of the week. Meeting various animals along the way, they'll learn about the important reasons to walk and the difference it can make for individuals, communities and the planet!

On Thursday and Friday, our Year 6 Eco Reps will be handing out Walk to School badges for those children that have walked some/all of the week to celebrate their achievements.  

Happy walking! 

The Farm is Coming To Avenue

The farm will be visiting Avenue Reception children in June. Please make your £10 voluntary contribution by logging on to the Arbor Parent Portal. Thank you

Under the Sea Dress Up Day

A reminder that Friday 26th May is our under the sea dress up day. Children can come to school dressed as their favourite sea creature or wearing water coloured clothing e.g. a blue or green t-shirt.

Reception Learning- 22.5.23

Relaxed performance of Wicked

Relaxed performance of Wicked the Musical on Thursday 1st June at 1.30pm, it's run by Go Live Theatre Projects (formerly Mousetrap Theatre Projects), a theatre education charity that helps young people and families with additional needs to experience the joy of live theatre. If you're interested check out their link below:


NAS Sutton Sessions

Indoor climbing at Yellow Spider - Sunday 4th June - sessions for 5-6yr olds as well as 7-14yrolds. Over 14s session at 4.30pm, so adults are more than welcome to come try it out! Email to book in:


Session 1 – 10:00 - 11:00 

6 spaces for 7 - 14 year olds

6 spaces for 5-6 year olds

Session 2 – 11:15 – 12:15

12 spaces for 7 -14 years old 


Session 3 – 12:30 – 13:30 

12 spaces for 7 -14 year olds 


Session 4 – 14:00 – 15:00 

6 spaces for 7 - 14 year olds

6 spaces for 5-6 year olds


Session 5 – 15:15 – 16:15

12 spaces for 7 - 14 year olds


Session 6 – 16:30 – 17:30 

12 spaces for anyone over 14 years old


NAS Sutton Sessions

Lego Club is this coming Sunday 21st May from 2-4pm for children under 14 years old, if you'd like to attend please use the link below to book.


Online Safety Tips for Parents of Pre-School Children

Reception Learning- 15.5.23


Coronation Day Celebrations

What a wonderful day! Everyone looked amazing in their red, white and blue and spent the morning making flags and crowns for the parade.


The parade was held on the main field and started with a rousing rendition of “The Sound of the Trumpets” (a specially commissioned coronation song for schools).


Following that, each year group paraded around the field whilst everyone clapped and waved their flags.


Just at the end of the parade the heavens opened but, in true British style, we carried on regardless! (It’s what the King would have wanted).


 We hope you all have a glorious coronation weekend.

Reception Learning- 9.5.23

This week is Deaf Awareness Week (2nd-5th May)

Please click on the document below to find out more information about how to be deaf aware.

It is important that everybody, no matter who you are, feels valued and included within a community.


Thank you to Mrs. Botterill, who spent the afternoon putting all of your lovely letters and pictures to King Charles in envelopes, addressing them, and putting on the stamps.

They have all now been sent to Buckingham Palace.

Reception Learning-3.5.23


Coronation Song for Schools: The Sound of the Trumpets

The children will be learning a specially commissioned coronation song for schools so that we can all sing it together as part of our celebrations on Friday 5th May. 


The link is below if your child would like to practise at home! 


Dear Avenue Pupils,

You are cordially invited to celebrate the coronation  of King Charles III on Friday 5th May 2023

Dress Code: Red, white and blue (sensible clothing for a day in school).


Morning: A lovely morning in class making flags and crowns and learning about King Charles III.

10.45 – 11.30 Parade: The whole school will join together on the field to show off their crowns and wave their flags.

Lunchtime: Lunch will be at the usual time in the hall.

Afternoon: More fun coronation activities in class. Hometime: The usual Friday hometime

Reception Learning- 24.4.23

Reception Summer 1 Welcome Letter


Please click on the document below if you would like support with you child's anxiety or challenging behaviour: 

Reception Learning-17.3.23


Thank you!

A massive thank you to you all for raising an amazing £650.81 for Comic Relief.


Online donations: £204.00

Cash Donations: £446.81


Please see below how your money is helping others:


Reception Learning- 27.3.23


The Holy Month of Ramadan

For any member of the school community observing the holy month of Ramadan, Young Minds has some excellent resources and advice that might be useful. (although I has youth in the title, it is relevant to all ages).


Please click on the link below:

Reception Learning-20.3.23


Red Nose Day: Friday 17th March 2023


We will be celebrating Red Nose Day this year on Friday 17th March.

The children are invited to wear their usual school uniform, and a red accessory, for a donation of £1


The accessory could be a hair accessory or a red t-shirt or red socks or a red hoodie…


Children can also wear their red noses, but please be aware that comic relief have issued  the following warning: Please note, Noses are not suitable for children under 7 years of age due to small parts.


We encourage you to make your donations via the schools Just Giving Page:


If you would prefer to donate cash, there will be buckets on the gates at drop off and pick up. (Teachers will not be collecting money).


Thank you for your continued support

Dear Parents/Carers, 

Get set… we’re taking part in Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel 2023 the UK’s largest inter-school cycling, walking, wheeling and scooting challenge. The challenge runs from 20-31 March. It’s free and we would love everyone to be involved. 


What do you need to do? 


Encourage your child(ren) to walk, use a wheelchair, scoot or cycle to school on as many days as possible during the event.  



Why we are taking part 


Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel is a great way to build physical activity in children’s daily routine which is important for their physical health and mental wellbeing.  


Active school runs also help to reduce congestion and air pollution outside the school gate. A 2021 YouGov study showed nearly half of UK children worry about air pollution near their school. And that children thought active travel was the best away to bring down these pollution levels. 

Plus there are some great prizes to be won every day if we get enough children taking part! 



Useful resources 


To help you prepare, Sustrans has developed a handy free guide to walking, cycling or scooting to school. It is packed with advice to help you have hassle-free journey to school.  


Download your free family guide using this link:   



For more information about the event go to . Enjoy the challenge! 

Reception Learning- 13.3.23

British Sign Language Week WB 13/03/23

Next week is British Sign Language Week.

Challenge: Can you learn to sign your name?

 Click on the link below to take you to the British Sign Language Alphabet (Left and Right handed)


March Language of the Month- Ukrainian

Reception Learning-6.3.23

Reception Learning-27.2.23

Spring 2 Welcome Letter




World Thinking Day and Founders Day

Wednesday 22nd February

Wednesday 22nd February, is the annual Thinking Daywhere all members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts are encouraged to celebrate, reflect on and renew the promise that they make shortly after joining.

This means that any child who attends a Girlguiding Rainbow, Brownie or Guide unit is invited to wear their uniform to school on that day should they wish to. 


Wednesday 22nd February is also Founders day for the Scouting movement and any child who attends Beavers, Cubs or Scouts is invited to wear their uniform to school on that day should they wish to. 


Coffee Mornings


We are delighted to invite Parents/Carers to their year group coffee mornings on the following dates and times:


Nursery & Reception: Monday 6th March 8.30 – 9.00

Years 1 & 2: Tuesday 7th March 8.30 – 9.00

Years 3 & 4: Wednesday 8th March 8.30 – 9.00

Base: Thursday 9th March 8.45 – 9.30

Years 5 & 6: Friday 10th March 8.30 – 9.00


Please wait to be let in at the Avenue Road entrance


World Book Day

(Date change due to possible strike action on Thursday 2nd March)


The main school will celebrate World Book Day and dress up as their favourite book character on Friday 3rd March (the base have a different date, please check their webpage for details)


Book Swap Friday 3rd March

Children should also bring in a book on Friday 3rd March that they will hand in to a member of the PTA in the morning. The following Monday they will have the opportunity to chose a book to take home (in exchange for the book they brought in).  

Reception Learning- 20.2.23

Reception Learning- 6.2.23

Reception Learning 30.1.23

Uniform Reminder

A reminder that children may not wear long sleeved jumpers or vests under their green polo shirts. Any vests need to be short sleeved with low necks so that they are not visible. Children need to wear a navy jumper or cardigan over their polo shirt to keep them warm. This will be adequate in school as the classrooms are very warm. 

Please ensure that all items of clothing, including hats, gloves and scarves, have your child's name on. Staff are unable to spend time looking for items of clothing that are not named. 

Reception Learning-23.1.23

Happy Chinese New Year to any families celebrating this weekend

Dear Parents, 


The English team have put together a short video to support you with reading at home. We have also included a section on using Oxford Owl and tips on how to use phonics to support your child as they read.


The English Team

Our Trip to Belmont

We have been learning about our community and where we live. We went for a walk around our local area so that we could identify features of Belmont. We found that Belmont has a church and a memorial. We saw the poppy wreaths on the memorial and were able to relate this back to our learning about Remembrance Day in November.

We walked to the high street where we found a fish and chip shop, a sweet shop, a bakery, a florist, hairdressers and grocery shops. We identified a post box and what is is used for and we saw two bus stops and the sign for the train station.

Class Teacher Awards

Congratulations to the following children who have received Class Teacher Awards:








Each week we will be awarding certificates to children who try particularly hard to follow our Avenue values and Rights Respecting charters.

Reception Learning- 16.1.23

Reception Learning- 9.1.23

Reception Spring 1 Welcome Letter

Reception Local Community Walk

Next week we will be learning about our local community. To support this learning, on Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th January, we will be taking the children for a short walk to Belmont village to look at the shops, the memorial and the church. We will be taking the children in groups of 15 accompanied by Avenue staff. We will take photographs whilst on our trip and when we get back to school we will make our own map of Belmont village.

January Language of the Month- Cantonese

We would like to wish all our Reception families a merry Christmas and a happy holidays. Thank you so much for all the kind words and gifts that we have received. The children have had such a good first term at school, they have worked hard and made so much progress. We look forward to welcoming you all back to school on 4th January.

Class Party Update: If children are wearing a Winter or Christmas top or accessory tomorrow, they can wear it to school rather than bring it to change in to. 


Class Parties : Thursday 15th December

The children will be having their class parties on Thursday 15th December. Children must come to school in full uniform, but can bring in their Winter/Christmas top and or accessory from last week to change into if they wish.


The children do not need to bring in any food or drink.

A Wriggly Nativity- Spare Tickets


There are a small number of spare tickets available for the performances next week. These will be available on a first come first served basis. Please see Mrs Hilton on the Dorset Road gate on Monday morning if you would like to try for a spare.

Reception Learning- 12.12.22

Thank you!

Reception Learning-28.11.22


Wellbeing Award for Schools 2022-2025

We are delighted to say that on 17/11/22 Avenue were re-accredited with the Wellbeing Award for Schools. This is truly a whole school effort and is an external validation of what we already knew: that Health and Wellbeing is at the heart of our school and influences everything that we do. Thank you to all the Parents and Carers who filled in surveys for the award at the end of last year and the start of this year. 

Winter Top Day: Thursday 8th December

The children are invited to wear a winter or Christmas themed top or hair accessory on Thursday 8th December (with normal school uniform bottoms and shoes).


This is not a fundraising event and children do not need to bring any money.

Reception Learning- 21.11.22

Health and Wellbeing: Sleep Support

Remembrance Parade

Miss. Walls, Mr. Burke and our Avenue Ambassadors attended the Remembrance Parade yesterday and laid a poppy wreath on the Belmont Cenotaph.


The Ambassadors also sold poppies at the school gates every morning last week.


Thank you for representing our school, we are very proud.

Reception Learning-14.11.22

Avenue families are very welcome to attend the Remembrance Sunday Parade

Information from Sutton Mental Health Support Team (Please return forms via email FAO Mrs. Cook)


Odd Socks Day for Anti-Bullying Week:

Monday 14th November

Next week is Anti-Bullying Week and the children are invited to wear odd socks to school on Monday 14th November. Wearing odd socks is a great way of celebrating what makes us unique!


Poppy Appeal 2022 

Dear Parents/Carers, 

On Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th of November our Avenue Ambassadors will be selling poppies on Avenue Road Gate and Dorset Road Gates 8.10 – 8.20 (if they have any stock left, they will be there on Thursday and Friday morning, but stock sells fast). 


Paper poppies are sold for a donation of your choice, but please be aware that many items have a set price which range from £1 to £3. 


Thank you, on behalf of The British Legion Belmont Branch 

Reception Learning- 7.11.22

Reception Learning- 31.10.22

Reception Learning- 17.10.22


Health and Wellbeing: YogaBugs


I am delighted to inform you that we now have the YogaBugs Virtual Programme for our school, and this includes access to YogaBugs videos and mindfulness techniques for you and your children.


On the YogaBugs Parent Portal you will have access to yoga and mindfulness videos, chair yoga for you to try, along with helpful mindfulness activities and visualisations that you can use for you whole family.


Please look out for an email from school with details of how you can access the parent portal.


Black History Month

Throughout the year there are months that celebrate the history of different groups of people. These months help us to learn more about people, their history and their importance to the wider world. Black History Month is celebrated each year in October. It is a chance to celebrate the achievements of black people in the past and present.



If you would like your child to wear a vest in the colder weather, please ensure that it is a traditional tank top style with a low neck and no sleeves.


Thank you for your continued support

Reception Learning- 10.10.22

Reception Learning- 3.10.22


World Mental Health Day Monday 10th October

This World Mental Health Day, people across the country are coming together to say #HelloYellow. We are inviting the children to join in to show them that how they feel matters.


Children are invited to wear a yellow accessory on Monday 10th October.  Examples could be a hair accessory, socks or a hat.


Waterproof Coat

Dear Parents/Carers,

Now that the weather has turned, please ensure that your child wears a waterproof coat to school every day. If you need assistance purchasing a coat, please don’t hesitate to speak to the school as we would be happy to help you.


Thank you for your continued support.

Reception Learning-26.9.22

Well done to all the Reception children for completing their first full week at school!


A few reminders...

  • Please send a water bottle to school every day. Please make sure it has your child's name on it and it contains water only. No squash or juice please.
  • Please send your child's PE kit into school on Tuesday 20th September if you have not done so already.
  • If your child would like to have milk in school please visit and register your child


A weekend challenge...

Can your child practise taking their jumper off by themselves?

Can they practise putting on their shoes and socks by themselves?

Reception Learning- 20.9.22


Please visit this website if you would like advice on talking to your child about the Queen’s death ahead of the coverage of her funeral this weekend.

Sutton Mental Health Support Team


The Avenue Primary Academy community is deeply saddened by the news that Queen Elizabeth II has passed away.


Today, and next week, we will mark this significant event by reflecting on her remarkable life and service.


A book of condolence will be opened for the children next week.

Reception Autumn 1 Welcome Letter


We will not be running clubs in the Autumn term as we are all settling into our new school routines. We will notify you after Christmas of the clubs we will be running in the Spring Term. 

Thank you.


We are all really looking forward to meeting the children on Monday 5th September or Tuesday 6th September at their Stay and Play visit. Each child will have their own one hour slot already sent to them. We will then welcome the children as they start their first morning at school on Wednesday 7th September.



Drop off time

Pick up time

Wednesday 7th September


Dorset Road gate



Dorset Road gate

Thursday 8th September


 Dorset Road gate


Dorset Road gate


Friday 9th September


Dorset Road gate


Dorset Road gate

Children have lunch in school before going home.

Monday 12th September- Thursday 15th September



Dorset Road gate


Dorset Road gate

Friday 16th September

(and every Friday)


Dorset Road gate


Dorset Road gate



Morning drop-off: Please drop off your child at the Dorset Road gate. The gates will be open 8:10am – 8:30am. Please take your child to their classroom door.


If you also have a child in year 3-6 please drop and collect your children off via the Dorset Road gate and they can make their way to their classroom. Please note, only children with siblings in Nursery to Year 2 should use the Dorset Road gate.



Please remember that children must be in the correct school uniform which should be clearly labelled with their name and class. (see our school website for full details of the uniform policy).


Please ensure that your child’s P.E kit is in school from Monday 12th September and that each item is clearly labelled with their name and class. 





Summer Homework  


  • Could you take photos, make a scrap book or draw a picture to show your new class?   


       Can you try some of these? 

  • Read books  
  • Play a board game 
  • Stay up late one night and watch the sunset 
  • Cook with your family 
  • Have a water fight 
  • Play outside 
  • Ride a bike or scooter 
  • Go on a picnic 
  • Build a den or a hideout  
  • Search for mini beasts 
  • Go on a treasure hunt 
  • Create an obstacle course 
  • Learn about a country or place you would like to visit 
  • Try cloud gazing – what shapes can you find? 
  • Create a video - on your own or with friends – sing, dance, read a poem 
  • Learn an interesting fact to share with your new teacher 
  • Be kind and helpful 



We look forward to working with you and your child next year.


Mrs Hilton

Head of EYFS and Year 1


June Bug Class Mrs Hilton

Still image for this video

June Bug Class Mrs Adams

Still image for this video

Centipede Class Mrs Dray

Still image for this video

Incy Wincy Spider Class Miss Derrick

Still image for this video

Rainbow Bug Class Miss Morgado

Still image for this video

Avenue Primary Academy

Nurturing individuals, building futures

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Avenue Primary Academy