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Avenue Primary Academy
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Avenue Primary Academy

Nurturing individuals, building futures

Remote Education

Living with Covid-19

Remote Education at Avenue Primary Academy 2023-2024


This is to support parents understanding of what pupils, parents and carers should do if a pupil is in isolation relating to coronavirus (COVID-19). 


Remote education for self-isolating pupils 

This is where individual pupils need to self-isolate, but the majority of their peer group remains in school.  


If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, what will be provided? 


Links to additional resources - 

Oak National Academy (

Home - BBC Bitesize

Oxford Owl for School and Home

Topmarks: teaching resources, interactive resources, worksheets, homework, exam and revision help




Pupils in Years 1-6 and Elephants, Explorers, Giraffe and Trailblazers ASD Base have access to Microsoft teams through their own unique log ins which are provided at the start of the year. On each pupils’ team they have access to their class. 


Pupils in EYFS mainstream and the ASD Base have access to Tapestry - logins are provided to parents at the start of the year. 


If a child needs to isolate (and is well enough) work will be provided via Teams or Tapestry.  


In Teams - Pupils will be added to a “year x” Isolation team where work will be uploaded. Pupils will receive the same slides and sheets that are being taught in school. Pupils will submit their work for teachers to review. When a pupil is no longer isolating they will be removed from the team. 


For Tapestry, Nursery pupils will have a weekly activities grid uploaded to their journal. This follows the teacher led sessions that are being taught in school. 

For Reception, Tigers, Lions, Giraffes and Zebras, pupils will receive the same slides and resources that are being used in school. Pupils can upload their work or photos to share with their class teacher. 


We also have a ‘How can we help?’ page set up on our website (under the parent’s tab), which contains learning support; social, emotional and behaviour support; family support; and personal care support. Each page contains useful videos and links to help parents and carers with their child at home. How Can We Help? | Avenue Primary Academy (


Online Safety


Whilst we are encouraging the use of the internet to enhance and support children in their learning, we would like to this opportunity to remind parents about the importance of online safety. Please contact us if you have any questions, concerns or need any support. 

Avenue Primary Academy

Nurturing individuals, building futures

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Avenue Primary Academy