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Avenue Primary Academy
School Logo
Avenue Primary Academy

Nurturing individuals, building futures

Information Posts

Thank you to all our families for the kind words, cards and gifts we have received this week. It has been an absolute pleasure to teach this Reception cohort and we know they will be amazing as they move to Year 1.

We hope everyone has a wonderful summer and we look forward to seeing you all in September.

Parenting Courses - Sutton Family Hub - Autumn Term 2024

Reception Learning- 22.7.24

Free Online Course for Parents

Reception Learning-8.7.24

Support for Transition

The NHS Education Wellbeing Service are delivering some free online Webinars over the summer months for parents/carers of children who are starting new in primary school nursery/reception classes; these workshops may also be helpful for parents/carers of children who typically struggle returning to school after a holiday break. Please see flyer below for the link & QR codes which will enable you to sign up to a webinar.


Welcome to Ant Class

Still image for this video

Welcome to Grasshoppers

Still image for this video

Welcome to Ladybird Class

Still image for this video

Welcome to Crickets

Still image for this video


Mini-Marsden March 2024


We are delighted to announce that the total amount raised was




Well done Year 1 and Year 2!

Thank you to everyone who took part and donated.

Reception Learning- 1.7.24

Class Teacher Awards- 21.6.24

Congratulations to the following children who have received class teacher awards this week:

Toby,  Wyatt, Nida

Albert, Leith, Miles

Reception Learning- 24.6.24


On Friday 28th June, Year 1 and Year 2 will be participating in their very own Mini Marsden March.  As well as being a lot of fun, this event will raise money for The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.

If you would like to sponsor the children, please click the link below to donate to the

Just Giving Page:

Class Teacher Awards-14.6.24

Congratulations to the following children who have received Class Teacher Awards this week:

Reheemah, Alexander, Adam, Henrik

Matilda, Zion, Summer, Ishaan, Minakshi

Reception Learning- 17.6.24


Year 6 Fiver Challenge.


You and your child are invited to the Year 6 Fiver Challenge!


This is an exciting activity where each group of Year 6 children is given a £5 budget to create a product to sell.  You are invited to come and buy those products.



Wednesday 19th and Wednesday 26th June  


The School Field (Via Avenue Road Gate) 




Please collect your child as usual and then walk to the field where you will be able to buy a range of products.


All of the money raised goes towards the Year 6 leavers' celebrations.  


Thank you,  

The Year 6 Team  


Reception Learning- 10.6.24

Class Teacher Awards- 24.5.24

Congratulations to the following children who have received Class Teacher Awards this week:


Aadvik, Jay, William, Yovaahn, James

Finley, Kiyaan, Emilia, Lucien

Reception Learning-3.6.24

Reception Summer 2 Information Letter

Avenue Summer Fair

Our Avenue Summer Fair is on Saturday 29th June. The children in Nursery-Year 5 will be preparing a dance to display at the fair.


Children will need to meet their year group teachers at the Great Hall 20 minutes before their dance time. Please see timings below:


Year Group

Arrive and go to Office Door

Dance time







Year 1



Year 2



Year 3



Year 4



Year 5



Class Teacher Awards- 17.5.24

Congratulations to the following children who have received Class Teacher Awards this week:

Nisa, Layton, Shiven

Kairo, Mia, Arsen

Jimi, Anya, Ralph

Veda, Florence, Aaran

Reception Learning- 20.5.24

Class Teacher Awards- 10.5.24


Congratulations to the following children who have received class teacher awards this week:


Ruhan, Aurora, Claire, Alston, Starla, Angelina, Isla B, Advika and Hamza

Reception Learning- 13.5.24


Sun Safety 

Now that the warm weather has arrived, we need to ensure sun safety. 


Please provide your child with a named sun hat and ensure that they have a named plastic water bottle (with sports cap opening). 


If your child requires sun cream, please ensure they apply it before school. If you wish them to reapply sun cream before breaktimes, lunchtimes or outdoor PE, please provide them with a named bottle. Staff are not allowed to apply sun cream to children, so please ensure that your child can apply it themselves.  


Class Teacher Awards


Congratulations to the following children who have received Class Teacher Awards this week:


Ralph, Pippa, Mia, Teddy, Luke, Heidi, Amelia, Adam, Sofia

Reception Learning- Summer 1 Week 4

Class Teacher Awards- 26.4.24


Congratulations to the following children who have received Class Teacher Awards this week:


June Bugs- Esther, Aarya and Vincent

Incy Wincy Spiders- Omo, Toby and Zion

Rainbow Bugs- Ariel, Teddy and Simay

Centipedes- Haruki, Leyi and Muhammad

Reception Learning- Summer 1 Week 3

Class Teacher Awards

This week we are launching the Class Teacher Awards for Reception. Each week we will give out some certificates for children who have tried hard to follow our Avenue Values.


Congratulations to the following children who have received Class Teacher Awards this week:

June Bugs- Philo, Yasmin, Adithi

Rainbow Bugs- Cooper, Nila, Charlie

Incy Wincy Spiders- Casey, Lara, Ivy

Centipedes- Daniel, Lily, Anisha

Reception Learning- Summer 1 Week 2

Reception Summer 1 Information Letter

Reception Learning- Summer 1 Week 1



We are delighted to announce that the total amount raised was £687.08!

Thank you so much to everyone who took part and donated.

Well done to Centipede class for having the best attendance in Reception this week! smiley

Reception Learning- 25.3.24

Attendance Advice for Parents - Should I Keep My Child Off School

Well done to Rainbow Bug class for having the best attendance in Reception this week! smiley

Reception Learning- 18.3.24


Red Nose Day: Friday 15th March 2024

The children are invited to wear their usual school uniform, and a red accessory, for a voluntary donation of £1.


The accessory could be for example a hair accessory, or a red t-shirt, or red socks, or a red hoodie etc - just anything they may have at home, there is no pressure to buy anything new!


Children can also wear red noses if they have them. 


We encourage you to make your donations via the schools Just Giving Page:

Red Nose Day - Avenue Primary Academy


If you would prefer to donate cash, there will be buckets on the gates at drop off and pick up. (Teachers will not be collecting money).


Thank you for your continued support.

Reception Learning- 11.3.24


Ramadan and Emotional Wellbeing

For anyone observing Ramadan, please read the following advice from Sutton Education Wellbeing Service:

Health and Wellbeing During Ramadan

Reception Learning- 4.3.24

Reception Learning- 26.2.24


NSPCC Number Day

As a Trust we took part in the NSPCC Number Day on Friday 2nd February. Both staff and children thoroughly enjoyed dressing up and completing a variety of fun activities throughout the day.


We are delighted to announce that the total money raised for the charity was £1,114.01!


Thank you so much to everyone who took part and donated.



World Thinking Day and Founders Day

Thursday 22nd February 2024

Thursday 22nd February, is the annual Thinking Daywhere all members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts are encouraged to celebrate, reflect on and renew the promise that they make shortly after joining.

This means that any child who attends a Girlguiding Rainbow, Brownie or Guide unit is invited to wear their uniform to school on that day should they wish to. 


Thursday 22nd February is also Founders day for the Scouting movement and any child who attends Beavers, Cubs or Scouts is invited to wear their uniform to school on that day should they wish to. 


Children’s Mental Health Week


This week, the children have enjoyed celebrating children's mental health week. The theme for this year has been 'My Voice Matters'. The children enjoyed sharing their likes and dislikes and came up with their dream day. We reminded the children to use our pupil voice groups, like the School Council, to ensure that their voices are listened to at school. 

Reception Learning- 19.2.24

Red Nose Day: Friday 15th March 2024

The children are invited to wear their usual school uniform, and a red accessory, for a voluntary donation of £1


The accessory could be for example a hair accessory, or a red t-shirt, or red socks, or a red hoodie etc - just anything they may have at home, there is no pressure to buy anything new!


Children can also wear red noses if they have them. 


We encourage you to make your donations via the schools Just Giving Page:

Red Nose Day - Avenue Primary Academy


If you would prefer to donate cash, there will be buckets on the gates at drop off and pick up. (Teachers will not be collecting money).


Thank you for your continued support.

Reception Learning- 5.2.24


Please remember that children should not be wearing long sleeved tops under their green polo shirts. Any vests should be sleeveless or short sleeved and not visible. The Reception classrooms are very warm and a vest, polo shirt and navy cardigan or jumper is sufficient to keep the children warm and comfortable.

Reception Learning- 29.1.24

Around the World

For the next two weeks, Reception will be learning about different countries around the world.  If we have any parents that have experiences of another country that would like to come in and talk to the children please speak to your class teacher as we would love to have you!

Reception Learning- 22.1.24


World Book Day - Thursday 7th March 2024


This year, World Book Day will be held on Thursday 7th March 2024. To celebrate this, we are inviting the children to come to school dressed up as their favourite character from a book. Please ensure the costume is appropriate for school. We will be engaging in a range of fun activities throughout the day to celebrate books and reading. Thank you for your continued support. 

Back to School Advice for Parents from the UK Health Security Agency

The Education Wellbeing Service is offering a Webinar for parents, exploring child sleep and routines.

Reception Learning- 15.1.24

CYP Mental Wellbeing Report Event for Parents


NSPCC Number Day Friday 2nd February 2024


As a Trust, we will be supporting the NSPCC by taking part in Number Day on

Friday 2nd February 2024. This will involve many fun activities throughout the day, including Dress up for Digits!


Pupils are invited to wear an item of clothing with a number on it. (football shirt, cap, netball shirt or even a onesie!) Or get even more creative by dressing in a maths or numbers theme, this could be as a Numberblock (KS1) or a Times Table Rockstar (KS2). Be as creative as you’d like!


Donations can be made via the link below, or children can bring in some coins on the day to hand to their teacher (all donations are voluntary).




Reception Learning-18.12.23

Best Attendance: Congratulations to June Bug Class who have the highest attendance (93.2%) in Reception this week!

Reception Learning-11.12.23


Poppy Appeal 2023: Thank you!

On behalf of The British Legion Belmont Branch, thank you for raising £389.69 for the Poppy Appeal.

Reception Learning- 4.12.23



If you would like an application form, please visit our Health and Wellbeing page using the link below:

*Revised Date*




Class Parties : Thursday 21st December

The children will be having their class parties on Thursday 21st  December.


Children are invited to come to school wearing a Winter/Christmas top and or accessory if they would like to.


The children do not need to bring in any food, drink or donations.

Language of the Month- December

Best Attendance: Congratulations to Rainbow Bug Class who have had the highest attendance (85.9%) in Reception this week!

Reception Learning- 27.11.23


Reception will use their outdoor learning area throughout the day. Please feel free to send in wellies each day, particularly if you have a child that enjoys using the mud kitchen and digging area. Please make sure your child's name is in both wellies and send them in a named plastic bag. Children must have their school shoes to wear inside the classroom.

Reception Nativity Shows


Please be advised that the Reception children will be performing the nativity shows as follows:


Monday 18th December 9:15-9:45am   June Bugs and Centipedes

Monday 18th December  2:00-2:30pm Rainbow Bugs and Incy Wincy Spiders


Tuesday 19th December  9:15-9:45am  Rainbow Bugs and Incy Wincy Spiders

Tuesday 19th December  2:00-2:30pm  June Bugs and Centipedes


We will soon send out letters so that parents can request tickets. Parents can request a maximum of 2 tickets.

Safeguarding - Advice for Parents

I would like to remind all parents that there is an 'Advice for Parents' page on the school website, on the  Safeguarding page of the school website (link at the top of the home page).

Here you will find information on: courses on parenting, safety at home and out and about, protecting children online, protection from abuse, supporting mental health and external support. 

You can also contact Mrs Brooke, via the school office, if you would like some specific support or advice on keeping your child safe.


Waterproof Coat

Please ensure that your child wears a waterproof coat to school every day. If you need assistance purchasing a coat, please don’t hesitate to speak to the school as we would be happy to help you.


Thank you for your continued support.

Best Attendance: Congratulations to Rainbow Bug Class and Incy Wincy Spider Class who both have the highest attendance (97.3%) in Reception this week!

Reception Learning- 20.11.23




Remembrance Day Parade 2023

Thank you to Miss. Walls, Mrs. Stock, Mr. Burke and our Avenue Ambassadors for representing the school at the Remembrance Day Parade on Sunday 12th November.


They took part in the parade and then laid a wreath on the Belmont cenotaph.


They represented us all so beautifully and made us very proud.


Odd Socks Day: Tuesday 14th November

In support of anti-bullying week, children are invited to wear odd socks to school on Tuesday 14th November if they would like to. 


Poppy Appeal 2023 

Dear Parents/Carers, 

On Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th of November our Avenue Ambassadors will be selling poppies on Avenue Road Gate and Dorset Road Gates 8.10 – 8.20 


If they have any stock left, they will be there on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th, but stock sells fast. 


Paper poppies are sold for a donation of your choice, but all other items cost a minimum of £1.


Please be aware that it is cash only and no change can be given.


Thank you, on behalf of The British Legion Belmont Branch 

Reception Information Letter-Autumn 2

Reception Learning- 6.11.23


Are you aware of our Health and Wellbeing page? This is a great place for you, and your child, to find resources and support.


Please click on the link below to take you there...

Reception Learning-16.10.23


World Mental Health Day


Today, we have celebrated World Mental Health Day. The theme of the day has been 'Mental Health is a universal right' and the children have completed a range of activities to help them to understand this. We focused on the idea of being kind, not only to others, but to yourself too. 


The children played kindness bingo throughout the day which included things such as 'say hello to someone new' and 'write down 3 things you love about you.' All of the children finished the day by writing themselves a kindness postcard, remembering a time where they had done something great.


Integrated Children's Centre Services - Courses for Parents (ESOL Conversational English; Circle of Security Parenting; ‘Chill, Chat and Connect Group’ For Dads/Male Carers

Reception Learning- 9.10.23

Next week Reception will be talking about the important people in their families. To support this we would welcome parents uploading a family photograph to Tapestry. We may then print and display some photographs in the classroom.  


Black History Month

Throughout the year there are months that celebrate the history of different groups of people. These months help us to learn more about people, their history and their importance to the wider world. Black History Month is celebrated each year in October. It is a chance to celebrate the achievements of black people past and present.

Reception Learning 2.10.23

Reception Learning- 25.9.23


School Photographer

19th, 20th & 21st September.

The school photographer will be taking individual photos on the following days:

  • Tuesday 19th September
  • Wednesday 20th September

Sibling photos will be taken on:

  • Thursday 21st September

Reception Learning- 18.9.23

Reception Learning- 11.9.23

Reception Autumn 1 Welcome Letter

Please see below a letter from our Trust explaining that our school is NOT affected by the recent reports of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC).


Sun Safety 

As the warm weather is still with us, we need to continue with sun safety. 


Please provide your child with a named sun hat and ensure that they have a named plastic water bottle (with sports cap opening). 


If your child requires sun cream, please ensure they apply it before school. If you wish them to reapply sun cream before breaktimes, lunchtimes or outdoor PE, please provide them with a named bottle. Staff are not allowed to apply sun cream to children, so please ensure that your child can apply it themselves.  

Free Webinar for Parents of Nursery and Reception Pupils - Sutton Wellbeing Service

Avenue Primary Academy

Nurturing individuals, building futures

Contact Us

Avenue Primary Academy